I've been struggling with some lifestyle issues, that's why I haven't been blogging here (among a lot of other things) as often as I'd like to. Without going into detail, I have a bad habit that I've had for a long time and it is spiraling downward and getting worse. I've consulted with a life coach for the past 5 months to help get me out of this rut and get my life back in balance, but I'm still not there yet. However I feel that he has given me enough insight that I can work my way out of this, and I believe and hope that journaling will help!
So I found myself again at Barnes and Noble looking for yet another journal.

There were a lot of nice ones. I was looking for one with a pen loop but there were none. Then I decided to splurge and get a leather covered journal made in Italy. I opened and looked at a few, and this one stood out so I bought it!

What I really liked about this particular journal are the deckle edge pages. Well they're not real deckle edges but perhaps, faux deckle edges. Still it stood out and caught my interest!

I think this mark shows that it is Fabriano paper or journal insert, but I'm not 100% sure.

Of course now I have to "pair" a pen to it. I was not about to buy a new pen but instead choose one from my existing collection. Here is where I stuggle, do I write in a nice hand, or do I just write and focus on composition? It should be a no brainer since I'm the only one who will read the journal so it doesn't mater how it looks.
If I wanted to write in a nice script I would choose a nice vintage flexible nib fountain pen. But for me to write in a nice script, I need to have proper posture, preferably sit at a desk, and also I have a hard time writing (actually lettering) on a surace that is not flat. This will discourage me from writing and move my focus toward "lettering" and away from composition.
So writing in a nice script is out!
Now do I want to use a ballpoint pen? I can write "pretty nice" with a good ballpoint pen...but didn't I just decide not to try and make it look nice? Besides there is no character, no feeling, no "sabao" when writing with a ballpoint or rollerball pen.
Fountain pen it is! I love big fat pens. I thought about it and decided to use my Mont Blanc 149 and ink it with Mont Blanc Oyster Grey ink.

I just love the Mont Blanc ink bottles!

I wanted to secure the pen to the journal, that's why I was looking for one with a pen loop. I was hoping I could secure the pen under the closure strap, but there is simply no way the 149 would fit.

I tried a bunch other pens, even the "skinny" ones and none fit.
Then I remembered I had bought pen holders from a craft fair last year with the intention of giving them away as Christmas gifts...

...it never happened!
So I may as well use them, I won't be able to secure the pen to the journal but at least it'll be protected in a nice cover. I thought they were simple pouches to cover pens, I hadn't opened the packaging until now and I was floored when I saw the entire product.

A perfect fit!

Have you ever noticed that when you write something down, there's a pretty good chance that it will get done?
Many years ago I read a book titled Put Your Heart on Paper by Henriette Anne Klauser. There was a chapter titled "Write It Down: Make It Happen". I see now she has an entire book with that title. Well I just purchased that book and add it to my little library of "make you feel good" books!
Anyway hopefully for now, I am on my journey to the life I want to live!

Oh by the way, when I was at the cashier paying for my journal, I saw this, it looked so cool and even came with a small pen. I just had to buy it!

Sigh...yet another journal!