Oh and having a bout of "lazy-itis" does not help!
It's been a few weeks since my last post. I have a few blogging ideas in my noggin' but sitting down to type them out is hard. What makes things harder is that I also want to include pictures with my posts, however capturing and editing them also take a lot of time. It doesn't help that I'm a perfectionist and I often don't stop until I get the image just how I want it. If it does not turn out how I want it, I'll reshoot and edit again.
I have started a Project 365 Photo Blog at New Years. I'm struggling already with that and the first month is not quite over yet. Either I'm going to become a better photographer or give up!
Today (Sunday) I have 3 letters and a handwriting contest entry to write. That will be a challenge but I want to got those out this weekend. I also have a new pen, my first one on a few years. I will use that pen to write some of the letters and I'll try to post some pictures and blog about it.
I just want to thank you for being patient with me, and I hope you will keep on reading this blog.
Oh change of subject! I've been thinking about the term "grease monkey". I was told that term went out in the early eighties when computer controlled engines started to appear. I was there and I remember. A week or so I took this picture as I had to update the operating system for the naviagtion system on a car I was working on.

My work bay still looks a little grease monkey-ish, but with the addtition of a desktop PC, a laptop based scan tool, a interface for the navigation systems. Also I have my personal laptop on my tool box along with my iPhone.
Oh that iPhone is a recent acquisition that is also stealing my time! With all of those high tech gizmos, I still try to keep my "old school" gizmos around.

A fountain pen, bottled ink and a Moleskine noteook. Old school keeps me grounded while high tech builds my craft of old school ways.
There's a place for everthing!