Thursday, January 7, 2010

Thankful Thursday

I was made aware by a post on Twitter that today January 7, 2010 is Thankful Thursday, and that she would be mailing out thank you cards. I am one who firmly believes in handwritten correspondence especially when it comes to thank you notes. I think you can e-mail a thank you message, but if you do, it should also be followed up with a real handwritten thank you note.

In a display at work where they post comments from our customers, there is a thank you letter that exemplifies what a good thank you note should be like.

Well written but what makes it stand out, it is handwritten with nice penmanship on stationery. Oh an e-mail message or a word processed and printed page can get the message across, but the beauty of a note written in a nice hand just adds that extra warmth to the author's expression of gratitude. It is visually appealing.

Please don't just send a store bought thank you card and just sign your name. Make it personal to the receiver. There are guides to writing thank you notes out there you can read, but just let the recipient know how grateful you are even if it's just sentence or two.

Though I profess to be passionate about handwritten letters and notes, I've been rather slacking in that area. That letter served as inspiration and motivation to write more often.

So with that said...

1 comment:

  1. What an awesome idea to post a handwritten thank-you note on your blog! Interesting post: shouldn't this apply to writing/sending Christmas cards, too? ;-)
